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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID Chlorophyll Conc. monthly means, AFSC management regions Timeseries of monthly sea surface temperature means for AFSC management regions generated from the NOAA/NCDC Blended Monthly Global Sea Surface Winds product. AFSC management regions are defined as: North Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea north of 58 N latitude; South Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea south of 58 N latitude; Western Aleutians - Waters between 177 E and the limits of EEZ on east from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Central Aleutians - Waters between 177 W and 177 E from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Eastern Aleutians - Waters between 170 W and 177 W from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Western Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 159 W and 170 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ; Central Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 147 W and 159 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ; Eastern Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 132.667 W and 147 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Centered Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nnorth_bering_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, North Bering Sea, mg m-3)\nsouth_bering_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, South Bering Sea, mg m-3)\nwest_aleutians_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, West Aleutians, mg m-3)\ncentral_aleutians_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, Central Aleutians, mg m-3)\neast_aleutians_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, East Aleutians, mg m-3)\nwest_gulf_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, West Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\ncentral_gulf_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, Central Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\neast_gulf_chl (Chlorophyll Conc, East Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\nnorth_bering_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, North Bering Sea, mg m-3)\nsouth_bering_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, South Bering Sea, mg m-3)\nwest_aleutian_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Aleutians, mg m-3)\ncentral_aleutian_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Aleutians, mg m-3)\neast_aleutians_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Aleutians, mg m-3)\nwest_gulf_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\ncentral_gulf_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\neast_gulf_chl_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Gulf of Alaska, mg m-3)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/ERD and NOAA/NESDIS/CoastWatch West Coast Node afsc_chlorophyll Sea Surface Temperature, monthly means, AFSC management regions Timeseries of monthly sea surface temperature means for AFSC management regions generated from the NOAA/NCDC Blended Monthly Global Sea Surface Winds product. AFSC management regions are defined as:  North Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea north of 58 N latitude; South Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea south of 58 N latitude; Western Aleutians - Waters between 177 E and the limits of EEZ on east from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Central Aleutians - Waters between 177 W and 177 E from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Eastern Aleutians - Waters between 170 W and 177 W from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands; Western Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 159 W and 170 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ; Central Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 147 W and 159 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ; Eastern Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 132.667 W and 147 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Centered Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nnorth_bering_sst (SST, North Bering Sea, degree_C)\nsouth_bering_sst (SST, South Bering Sea, degree_C)\nwest_aleutians_sst (SST, West Aleutians, degree_C)\ncentral_aleutians_sst (SST, Central Aleutians, degree_C)\neast_aleutians_sst (SST, East Aleutians, degree_C)\nwest_gulf_sst (SST, West Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\ncentral_gulf_sst (SST, Central Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\neast_gulf_sst (SST, East Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\nnorth_bering_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, North Bering Sea, degree_C)\nsouth_bering_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, South Bering Sea, degree_C)\nwest_aleutian_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Aleutians, degree_C)\ncentral_aleutian_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Aleutians, degree_C)\neast_aleutians_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Aleutians, degree_C)\nwest_gulf_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\ncentral_gulf_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\neast_gulf_sst_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Gulf of Alaska, degree_C)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/ERD and NOAA/NESDIS/CoastWatch West Coast Node afsc_sst Wind Speed, monthly means, AFSC management regions Timeseries of monthly sea surface temperature means for AFSC management regions generated from the NOAA/NCDC Blended Monthly Global Sea Surface Winds product. AFSC management regions are defined as:  North Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea north of 58 N latitude;  South Bering Sea - Waters in the Bering Sea south of 58 N latitude;  Western Aleutians - Waters between 177 E and the limits of EEZ on east from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands;  Central Aleutians - Waters between 177 W and 177 E from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands;  Eastern Aleutians - Waters between 170 W and 177 W from south of 55 N to the EEZ that is south of the Aleutians Islands;  Western Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 159 W and 170 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ;  Central Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 147 W and 159 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ;  Eastern Gulf of Alaska - Waters between 132.667 W and 147 W from the Alaskan coast to the EEZ.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (Centered Time, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nnorth_bering_wind (Wind Speed, North Bering Sea, m s-1)\nsouth_bering_wind (Wind Speed, South Bering Sea, m s-1)\nwest_aleutians_wind (Wind Speed, West Aleutians, m s-1)\ncentral_aleutians_wind (Wind Speed, Central Aleutians, m s-1)\neast_aleutians_wind (Wind Speed, East Aleutians, m s-1)\nwest_gulf_wind (Wind Speed, West Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\ncentral_gulf_wind (Wind Speed, Central Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\neast_gulf_wind (Wind Speed, East Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\nnorth_bering_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, North Bering Sea, m s-1)\nsouth_bering_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, South Bering Sea, m s-1)\nwest_aleutian_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Aleutians, m s-1)\ncentral_aleutian_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Aleutians, m s-1)\neast_aleutians_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Aleutians, m s-1)\nwest_gulf_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, West Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\ncentral_gulf_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, Central Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\neast_gulf_wind_stdev (Standard Deviation, East Gulf of Alaska, m s-1)\n... (8 more variables)\n (external link) NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC/ERD and NOAA/NESDIS/CoastWatch West Coast Node afsc_wind

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