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[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[DIR]afsc_chlorophyll/--Chlorophyll Conc. monthly means, AFSC management regions
[DIR]afsc_sst/--Sea Surface Temperature, monthly means, AFSC management regions
[DIR]afsc_wind/--Wind Speed, monthly means, AFSC management regions
[DIR]Argo_BGC_NRT/--Argo float data from UW/MBARI, BGC-Argo and Core, preliminary near real-time
[DIR]coastwatchSMOSv662SSS1day/--Sea Surface Salinity, Miras SMOS, Near Real-Time, Global 0.25°, 2010-present, Daily
[DIR]coastwatchSMOSv662SSS1day_Lon0360/--Sea Surface Salinity, Miras SMOS, Near Real-Time, Global 0.25°, 2010-present, Daily, Lon0360
[DIR]coastwatchSMOSv662SSS3day/--Sea Surface Salinity, Miras SMOS, Near Real-Time, Global 0.25°, 2010-present, 3 Day Composite
[DIR]coastwatchSMOSv662SSS3day_Lon0360/--Sea Surface Salinity, Miras SMOS, Near Real-Time, Global 0.25°, 2010-present, 3 Day Composite, Lon0360
[DIR]cwwcNDBCMet/--NDBC Standard Meteorological Buoy Data, 1970-present
[DIR]daily_seaice_drift_buoy/--X- Experimental Sea ice drift data derived from the buoy data from the IABP, Daily Arctic
[DIR]erdGtsppBest/--Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) Data, 1985-present
[DIR]erdMH1cflh1day/--Fluorescence Line Height, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (1 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1cflh8day/--Fluorescence Line Height, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1cflhmday/--Fluorescence Line Height, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1chla1day/--Chlorophyll-a, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (1 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1chla8day/--Chlorophyll-a, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1chlamday/--Chlorophyll-a, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1kd4901day/--Diffuse Attenuation K490, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (1 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1kd4908day/--Diffuse Attenuation K490, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1kd490mday/--Diffuse Attenuation K490, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1par01day/--Photosynthetically Available Radiation, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (1 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1par08day/--Photosynthetically Available Radiation, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdMH1par0mday/--Photosynthetically Available Radiation, Aqua MODIS, NPP, L3SMI, Global, 4km, Science Quality, 2003-present (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdNavgem05D10mWind_LonPM180/--Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), 0.5 degree, 2013-present, 10 m Wind, Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdNavgem05D20mWind_LonPM180/--Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), 0.5 degree, 2013-present, 20 m Wind, Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdNavgem05D500mb_LonPM180/--Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), 0.5 degree, 2013-present, 500 hPa Height, Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdNavgem05DPres_LonPM180/--Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM), 0.5 degree, 2013-present, Pressure MSL, Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdPH2ssta1day/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.2 (L3C), Day and Night, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-2012, Science Quality (1 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdPH2ssta8day/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.2 (L3C), Day and Night, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-2006, Science Quality (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdPH2sstamday/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.2 (L3C), Day and Night, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-2012, Science Quality (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdPH53sstd8day/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.3 (L3C), Day, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-present, Science Quality (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdPH53sstdmday/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.3 (L3C), Day, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-present, Science Quality (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdPH53sstn8day/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.3 (L3C), Night, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-present, Science Quality (8 Day Composite)
[DIR]erdPH53sstnmday/--SST, Pathfinder Ver 5.3 (L3C), Night, Global, 0.0417°, 1981-present, Science Quality (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdQBwind1day_LonPM180/--Wind, Metop-B ASCAT, 0.25°, Global, Near Real Time, 2013-present (1 Day), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdQBwind3day_LonPM180/--Wind, Metop-B ASCAT, 0.25°, Global, Near Real Time, 2013-present (3 Day), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdQBwind8day_LonPM180/--Wind, Metop-B ASCAT, 0.25°, Global, Near Real Time, 2013-present (8 Day), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdQBwindmday_LonPM180/--Wind, Metop-B ASCAT, 0.25°, Global, Near Real Time, 2013-present (Monthly), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdQMwindmday_LonPM180/--Wind, All Metop ASCAT, 0.25°, Global, Near Real Time, 2013-present (Monthly), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdTAssh1day_LonPM180/--Sea Surface Height, Absolute, Aviso, 0.25 degrees, Global, 1992-2012, Science Quality (1 Day Composite), Lon+/-180
[DIR]erdTAsshmday/--Sea Surface Height, Absolute, Aviso, 0.25 degrees, Global, 1992-2010, Science Quality (Monthly Composite)
[DIR]erdTAsshmday_LonPM180/--Sea Surface Height, Absolute, Aviso, 0.25 degrees, Global, 1992-2010, Science Quality (Monthly Composite), Lon+/-180
[DIR]etopo180/--Topography, ETOPO1, 0.0166667 degrees, Global (longitude -180 to 180), (Ice Sheet Surface)
[DIR]etopo360/--Topography, ETOPO1, 0.0166667 degrees, Global (longitude 0 to 360), (Ice Sheet Surface)
[DIR]fsuResearchShipNEPP/--Research Ship Healy Underway Meteorological Data, Quality Controlled
[DIR]fsuResearchShipWCX7445nrt/--Research Ship Laurence M. Gould Underway Meteorological Data, Quality Controlled
[DIR]iabpv2_buoys/--International Arctic Buoy Programme meteorological and oceanographic buoys
[DIR]jplMURSST41/--Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) SST Analysis fv04.1, Global, 0.01°, 2002-present, Daily
[DIR]jplMURSST41anom1day/--Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) SST Analysis Anomaly fv04.1, Global, 0.01°, 2002-present, Daily
[DIR]jplMURSST41anommday/--Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) SST Analysis Anomaly fv04.1, Global, 0.01°, 2002-present, Monthly
[DIR]jplMURSST41mday/--Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) SST Analysis fv04.1, Global, 0.01°, 2002-present, Monthly
[DIR]jpss_chl_alaska/--X-Experimental Chlorophyll, S-NPP VIIR, Alaska, Daily
[DIR]jpss_rrs_alaska/--X-Experimental Remote Sensing Reflectance, S-NPP VIIR, Alaska, Daily
[DIR]modis_month_poc2022/--X-experimental - Particulate Organic Carbon in Ocean Surface Water, MODIS, 9km, NASA SMI, Stramski 2022
[DIR]ncei_polarAPPX20_nhem/--Sea Ice Thickness and Multi-variable Extended AVHRR Polar Pathfinder APP-X NCEI Climate Data Record V2, Arctic, 1982-Present, Twice Daily
[DIR]ncei_polarAPPX20_nhem_grid/--Lat-Lon Grid, Extended AVHRR Polar Pathfinder APP-X NCEI Climate Data Record V2, Arctic
[DIR]nesdis_blendedsic_nhem_daily/--Sea Ice Concentration, AMSR2/VIIRS, Arctic, 1km, Blended, UW-CIMSS, 2023-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdis_blendedsic_shem_daily/--Sea Ice Concentration, AMSR2/VIIRS, Antarctic, 1km, Blended, UW-CIMSS, 2023-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdis_ease2_latlon_nhem_1k/--Latitude and Longitude Grids Corresponding to Y-Grids and X-Grids in EASE-2 Projection Used in NESDIS Sea Ice Data Products, Arctic, 1km, UW-CIMSS
[DIR]nesdis_ease2_latlon_shem_1k/--Latitude and Longitude grids corresponding to ygrids and xgrids in EASE-2 Projection used in NESDIS sea ice data products. Antarctic, 1km, UW-CIMSS
[DIR]nesdisGeoPolarSSTN5NRT/--Sea-Surface Temperature, NOAA Geo-polar Blended Analysis Night Only, GHRSST, Near Real-Time, Global 5km, 2002-Present, Daily (degree C)
[DIR]nesdisNPPN20S3AkdSCIDINEOFDaily/--Kd490 (Gap-filled DINEOF), NOAA S-NPP NOAA-20 VIIRS and Copernicus S-3A OLCI, Science Quality, Global 9km, 2018-recent, Daily
[DIR]nesdisNPPN20S3ASCIDINEOFDaily/--Chlorophyll (Gap-filled DINEOF), NOAA S-NPP NOAA-20 VIIRS and Copernicus S-3A OLCI, Science Quality, Global 9km, 2018- recent, Daily
[DIR]nesdisNPPN20S3AspmSCIDINEOFDaily/--Suspended Particulate Matter (Gap-filled DINEOF), NOAA S-NPP NOAA-20 VIIRS and Copernicus S-3A OLCI, Science Quality, Global 9km, 2018-recent, Daily
[DIR]nesdisSSH1day/--NOAA CoastWatch, Sea Surface Height Anomalies and Geostrophic Currents from Altimetry, Global, 2017-present, EXPERIMENTAL
[DIR]nesdisVHNchlaDaily/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Global 4km, Level 3, 2017-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNchlaWeekly/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Global 4km, Level 3, 2017-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNnoaaSNPPnoaa20NRTchlaGapfilledDaily/--Chlorophyll (Gap-filled DINEOF), NOAA S-NPP NOAA-20, VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Global 9km, 2020-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQchlaDaily/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQchlaMonthly/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQchlaWeekly/--Chlorophyll, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkd490Daily/--Kd490, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkd490Monthly/--Kd490, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkd490Weekly/--Kd490, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkdparDaily/--KdPAR, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkdparMonthly/--KdPAR, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQkdparWeekly/--KdPAR, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw410Daily/--nLw410, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw410Monthly/--nLw410, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw410Weekly/--nLw410, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw443Daily/--nLw443, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw443Monthly/--nLw443, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw443Weekly/--nLw443, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw486Daily/--nLw486, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw486Monthly/--nLw486, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw486Weekly/--nLw486, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw551Daily/--nLw551, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw551Monthly/--nLw551, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw551Weekly/--nLw551, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw671Daily/--nLw671, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Daily
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw671Monthly/--nLw671, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Monthly
[DIR]nesdisVHNSQnLw671Weekly/--nLw671, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Science Quality, Global 4km, Level 3, 2012-present, Weekly
[DIR]noaa_lsa_sail_height_icebridge/--Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Sail Height from DMS IceBridge Imagery, Arctic, 25km, from 2010 - 2018 Airborne Surveys
[DIR]noaa_lsa_surface_elevation_icebridge/--Sea Ice Surface Elevation from IceBridge ATM LIDAR, Arctic, from 2009 to 2018 Airborne Surveys
[DIR]noaa_lsa_surface_roughness_icebridge/--Sea Ice Surface Roughness from IceBridge ATM LIDAR, Arctic, 10km, from 2009 to 2018 Airborne Surveys
[DIR]noaa_snpp_poc/--X-Experimental POC from NOAA S-NPP VIIRS Source Data
[DIR]noaacwSARciceclassnpoleDaily/--Ice Classification, Metop-C Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT), 4km, North Pole (Arctic), Daily
[DIR]noaacwSARnrcsnpoleDaily/--Normalized Radar Cross Section, SAR Composite, Near Real-Time, 1km, North Pole, Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20iceconcNP06Daily/--Ice Concentration, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20iceconcNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Concentration, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20iceconcSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Concentration, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icesrftempNP06Daily/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icesrftempNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icesrftempSP06Daily/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icesrftempSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icethickNP06Daily/--Ice Thickness, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icethickNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Thickness, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icethickNP06Daily4Day_pw/--Latest Baseline of IceThickness from NOAA-20 VIIRS
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icethickSP06Daily/--Ice Thickness, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSn20icethickSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Thickness, NOAA-20 VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppiceconcNP06Daily/--Ice Concentration, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppiceconcNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Concentration, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppiceconcSP06Daily/--Ice Concentration, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppiceconcSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Concentration, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicesrftempNP06Daily/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicesrftempNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicesrftempSP06Daily/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicesrftempSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Surface Temperature, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicethickNP06Daily/--Ice Thickness, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicethickNP06Daily4Day/--Ice Thickness, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (North), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicethickSP06Daily/--Ice Thickness, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily
[DIR]noaacwVIIRSnppicethickSP06Daily4Day/--Ice Thickness, NOAA S-NPP VIIRS, Near Real-Time, Polar Stereographic (South), Daily 4-day Composite
[DIR]nsidcCDRice_nh_grid/--Sea Ice Concentration Lat-Lon Grid, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Northern Hemisphere, 25km
[DIR]nsidcCDRice_sh_grid/--Sea Ice Concentration Lat-Lon Grid, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Southern Hemisphere, 25km
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceNRTnhmday/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record, Arctic, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2017-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceNRTshmday/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V1, Antarctic, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2016-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceSQnh1day/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V3, Arctic, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-2019, Daily
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceSQnhmday/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V3, Arctic, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-2019, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceSQsh1day/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V3, Antarctic, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-2019, Daily
[DIR]nsidcCDRiceSQshmday/--Z-DEPRECATED - Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V3, Antarctic, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-2019, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG02202v4nh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG02202v4nhmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG02202v4sh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG02202v4shmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG02202v5nh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG02202v5nhmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG02202v5sh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG02202v5shmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Science Quality, 1978-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG10016v2nh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V2, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2021-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG10016v2nhmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V2, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2021-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG10016v2sh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V2, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2021-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG10016v2shmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V2, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2021-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG10016v3nh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V3, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2024-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG10016v3nhmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V3, Northern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2024-Present, Monthly
[DIR]nsidcG10016v3sh1day/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V3, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2024-Present, Daily
[DIR]nsidcG10016v3shmday/--Sea Ice Concentration, NOAA/NSIDC NRT Climate Data Record V3, Southern Hemisphere, 25km, Near Real-Time, 2024-Present, Monthly
[DIR]polarwatch_datause_monthly/--PolarWatch ERDDAP Data Usage
[DIR]pstere_gridcell_N25k/--Polar Stereographic Grid Cell Area Values of 25km gridded data sets , Polar Stereographic (North), Ancillary Data
[DIR]pstere_gridcell_S25k/--Polar Stereographic Grid Cell Area Values of 25km gridded data sets , Polar Stereographic (South), Ancillary Data
[DIR]rrs_far_red_alaska/--X-Experimental Far Red Remote Sensing Reflectance (745nm 862nm), S-NPP VIIR, Alaska, Daily
[DIR]seawifs_month_poc2022/--X-experimental - Particulate Organic Carbon in Ocean Surface Water, SeaWiFS, 9km, NASA SMI, Stramski 2022
[DIR]snowfox_miz2_daily/--X- Experimental Sea Ice Classification, SAR Composite, Near Real-Time, 1km, North Pole, Daily
[DIR]SOCCOM_BGC_Argo/--BioGeoChemical-Argo Float data from SOCCOM and UW-MBARI, preliminary near real-time
[DIR]SOCCOM_BGC_Argo_Snapshot_Archive/--BioGeoChemical-Argo Float data from GO-BGC, SOCCOM and UW-MBARI, Latest Snapshot Archive
[DIR]usnic_ims_4km/--IMS Snow and Ice Analysis, Arctic, 4km, 2004 - Present, Daily
[DIR]usnic_weekly_iceberg/--Iceberg Locations from USNIC, Antarctic, 2014 to Present, Weekly
[DIR]viirs_month_poc2022/--X-experimental - Particulate Organic Carbon in Ocean Surface Water, VIIRS SNPP, 9km, NASA SMI, Stramski 2022
[DIR]viirs_noaa20_ak_750m_daily/--SST, VIIRS NOAA-20, Alaska, 750m, 2020-present, Science Quality Daily
[DIR]wcn_log_crosswalk/--Datalog Crosswalk, West Coast Node
[WWW]documentation.html02-Feb-2025 14:50-Documentation for ERDDAP's "files" system.

260 directories, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 2.25_1
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