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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL citation String See the following Metadata records Contact Data Centre for help on citation details.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String kim.finney at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 90.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -90.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String up
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String AADC
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String albatrosses, ARGOS, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Birds, Earth Science > Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Mammals > Cetacean, Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Benthic Habitat, Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Coastal Habitat, Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Demersal Habitat, Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Marine Habitat, Earth Science > Biosphere > Aquatic Ecosystems > Pelagic Habitat, penguins, satellite tracking, seals, whales
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.\n\nBy using OBIS data, I agree that, in any publication or presentation\nof any sort based wholly or in part on such data, I will:\n\n1. Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases\nin the form appearing in the GLOBAL 'citation' attribute thereof (if any);\nand acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility in one of the following\nprescribed forms:\n\nFor OBIS website:\n\nOcean Biogeographic Information System. [date accessed]\n\n\nFor data used:\n\nAuthor, initials. Database title. Retrieved [date accessed] from\n\n\nExample:\n\nStocks, K. SeamountsOnline: an online information system for seamount\nbiology. Version 3.1. Retrieved [date accessed] from\n\n\n2. For information purposes, provide to\nthe full citation of any publication I make (printed or electronic)\nthat cites OBIS or any constituent part.\n\n3. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS:\nOBIS is comparable to a scientific journal that makes data freely\navailable on the internet. Thus the geographic and taxonomic scope,\nand quantity of data provided, depend on the scientists and\norganizations that provide data. However, in contrast to data in a\njournal, the 'reader' can select and combine data in OBIS from a\nvariety of sources. OBIS and its users give feedback on data quality\nand possible errors to data providers. Because data providers are\nwilling to correct errors, the quality of the data will increase in\ntime. How OBIS provides quality assurance, who is primarily\nresponsible for data published in OBIS (its owners), issues to be\nconsidered in using the data, and known gaps in the data, are\ndescribed below.\n\nQuality assurance\n\nOnly data from authoritative scientists and science organizations\napproved by OBIS are served. All data are subject to quality control\nprocedures before publication, and at regular intervals, with data\nproviders informed of any discrepancies and potential errors (e.g.\nspecies names spelt incorrectly, mapping errors). OBIS also benefits\nfrom user peer-review and feedback to identify technical, geographic,\nand taxonomic errors in data served. However, although errors will\nexist as they do in any publication, OBIS is confident that the data\nare the best available in electronic form. That said, the user needs\nsufficient knowledge to judge the appropriate use of the data, i.e.\nfor what purpose it is fit.\n\nMany of the data published through OBIS have voucher specimens in\ninstitutional collections and museums, images of observations, and\nthe original identifier of the specimens is often credited or will\nbe contactable from the data custodian.\n\nData ownership\n\nData providers retain ownership of the data provided. OBIS does not\nown or control or limit the use of any data or products accessible\nthrough its website. Accordingly, it does not take responsibility\nfor the quality of such data or products, or the use that people may\nmake of them.\n\nData use\n\nAppropriate caution is necessary in the interpretation of results\nderived from OBIS. Users must recognize that the analysis and\ninterpretation of data require background knowledge and expertise\nabout marine biodiversity (including ecosystems and taxonomy).\nUsers should be aware of possible errors, including in the use of\nspecies names, geo-referencing, data handling, and mapping. They\nshould cross-check their results for possible errors, and qualify\ntheir interpretation of any results accordingly.\n\nUsers should be aware that OBIS is a gateway to a system of databases\ndistributed around the world. More information on OBIS data is\navailable from the data sources websites and contact persons. Users\nshould email any questions concerning OBIS data or tools (e.g. maps)\nto the appropriate contact person and copy this request to\ .\n\nData gaps\n\nMajor gaps in data and knowledge about the oceans are reflected in\nOBIS' data coverage. Note the following:\nMost of the planet is more than 1 km under water: this deep sea is\nthe least surveyed part of our world.\nCoastal areas have been adequately sampled only for the distribution\nof most vertebrates (birds, mammals, reptiles, larger fish).\nThe oceans have been better sampled in the northern than the\nsouthern hemisphere, as reflected in the distribution of data in\nOBIS.\nMost marine species have not yet been recognized or named. A major\neffort is required to describe marine species, especially\ninvertebrates and deep-sea organisms.\nOf the marine species that have been described, some have been\ndiscovered to be several species, and others combined into single\nspecies. Thus, there are changes in the application of species names\nover time. A checklist of all current marine species names is not\navailable but it is estimated that 230,000 have been described.\nOnly about half of these names have been organized into global\nspecies checklists. OBIS includes distribution data on (a) many of\nthese validated names and (b) additional names that remain to be\norganized into global species checklists. Thus, OBIS has some\ndistribution data for about one third of the known marine species.\nSome species distribution data are not available in any form, as\nthey have not have been published nor made available for databases.\nOnly some of the recently collected, and less of the older published,\ndata have been entered into databases. Thus databases are incomplete.\nOf existing databases, many are not connected to OBIS.\n\nYou can help address these data gaps by (a) recognizing and\nencouraging scientists and organizations to make their data available\nonline so they are accessible to OBIS, and (b) advocating for and\ncarrying out field surveys and taxonomic studies designed to fill\ngeographic and taxonomic gaps in knowledge.\n
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 90.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -90.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v55
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Various species have been tracked using ARGOS PTT trackers since the early 1990's. These include Emperor, King and Adelie pengiuns, Light-mantled Sooty, Grey-headed and Black-browed albatrosses, Antarctic and Australian fur seals, Southern Elephant Seal and Blue and Humpback whales. Note that not all data for any species or locations is or will be exposed to OBIS. Geographic coverage is from Heard Island to the west and Macquarie Island to the east and several islands near the southern end of Chile. The data has been filtered to remove most but not all erroneous positions.\n\n        DiGIR is an engine which takes XML requests for data and returns a data\nsubset stored as XML data (as defined in a schema). For more DiGIR\ninformation, see ,\n ,\nand .\nA list of Digir providers is at\n .\n\nDarwin is the original schema for use with the DiGIR engine.\n\nThe Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) schema extends\nDarwin. For more OBIS info, see .\nSee the OBIS schema at .\n\nQueries: Although OBIS datasets have many variables, most variables\nhave few values.  The only queries that are likely to succeed MUST\ninclude a constraint for Genus= and MAY include constraints for\nSpecies=, longitude, latitude, and time.\n\nMost OBIS datasets return a maximum of 1000 rows of data per request.\nThe limitation is imposed by the OBIS administrators.\n\n        Available Genera (and number of records): (error)
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String OBIS - ARGOS Satellite Tracking of Animals
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -180.0
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -180.0, 180.0
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double -90.0, 90.0
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable altitude double
attribute altitude _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute altitude _CoordinateZisPositive String up
attribute altitude axis String Z
attribute altitude comment String Created from the darwin:MinimumDepth variable.
attribute altitude ioos_category String Location
attribute altitude long_name String Altitude
attribute altitude positive String up
attribute altitude standard_name String altitude
attribute altitude units String m
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time axis String T
attribute time comment String Created from the darwin:YearCollected-darwin:MonthCollected-darwin:DayCollected and darwin:TimeOfDay variables.
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable ID String
attribute ID comment String Created from the [darwin:InstitutionCode]:[darwin:CollectionCode]:[darwin:CatalogNumber] variables.
attribute ID ioos_category String Identifier
variable BasisOfRecord String
attribute BasisOfRecord comment String An abbreviation indicating whether the record represents an observation (O), living organism (L), specimen (S), germplasm/seed (G), etc.
attribute BasisOfRecord ioos_category String Identifier
variable BoundingBox String
attribute BoundingBox comment String This access point provides a mechanism for performing searches using a bounding box. A Bounding Box element is not typically present in the database, but rather is derived from the Latitude and Longitude columns by the data provider
attribute BoundingBox ioos_category String Location
variable CatalogNumber String
attribute CatalogNumber comment String A unique alphanumeric value which identifies an individual record within the collection. It is recommended that this value provides a key by which the actual specimen can be identified. If the specimen has several items such as various types of preparation, this value should identify the individual component of the specimen
attribute CatalogNumber ioos_category String Identifier
variable Citation String
attribute Citation comment String Indicates how this record should be attributed if used
attribute Citation ioos_category String Other
variable Class String
attribute Class comment String The class name of the organism
attribute Class ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable CollectionCode String
attribute CollectionCode comment String A unique alphanumeric value which identifies the collection within the institution
attribute CollectionCode ioos_category String Identifier
variable Collector String
attribute Collector comment String The name(s) of the collector(s) responsible for collection the specimen or taking the observation
attribute Collector ioos_category String Identifier
variable CollectorNumber String
attribute CollectorNumber comment String An identifying 'number' (really a string) applied to specimens (in some disciplines) at the time of collection. Establishes a links different parts/preparations of a single specimen and between field notes and the specimen.
attribute CollectorNumber ioos_category String Identifier
variable ContinentOcean String
attribute ContinentOcean comment String The continent or ocean from which a specimen was collected.
attribute ContinentOcean ioos_category String Location
variable CoordinatePrecision double
attribute CoordinatePrecision comment String An estimate of how tightly the collecting locality was specified; expressed as a distance, in meters, that corresponds to a radius around the latitude-longitude coordinates. Use NULL where precision is unknown, cannot be estimated, or is not applicable.
attribute CoordinatePrecision ioos_category String Location
attribute CoordinatePrecision units String m
variable Country String
attribute Country comment String The country or major political unit from which the specimen was collected. , ISO 3166-1 values should be used. Full country names are currently in use. A future recommendation is to use ISO3166-1 two letter codes or the full name when searching
attribute Country ioos_category String Location
variable County String
attribute County comment String The county (or shire, or next political region smaller than State / Province) from which the specimen was collected
attribute County ioos_category String Location
variable DateLastModified double
attribute DateLastModified comment String ISO 8601 compliant stamp indicating the date and time in UTC(GMT) when the record was last modified. Example: the instant 'November 5, 1994, 8:15:30 am, US Eastern Standard Time' would be represented as '1994-11-05T13:15:30Z' (see , W3C Note on Date and Time Formats). (What to do when this date-time is unknown? Use Date-Time first 'published'?)
attribute DateLastModified ioos_category String Time
attribute DateLastModified long_name String Date Last Modified
attribute DateLastModified time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute DateLastModified units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable DayCollected byte
attribute DayCollected comment String The day of the month the specimen was collected from the field. Possible value ranges from 01..31 inclusive
attribute DayCollected ioos_category String Time
variable DayIdentified byte
attribute DayIdentified comment String The day portion of the date when the Collection Item was identified; as two digits [01..31].
attribute DayIdentified ioos_category String Time
variable DepthRange String
attribute DepthRange comment String For data sets that have the depth range expressed in one field (e.g. '150-200 m') it can be entered here as free text.  Separate, numeric Minimum and Maximum Depth fields are the preferred format; the Depth Range option is included for legacy data sets.
attribute DepthRange ioos_category String Location
variable EndDayCollected byte
attribute EndDayCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the end day of the collecting event.  Possible value ranges from 01..31 inclusive
attribute EndDayCollected ioos_category String Time
variable EndJulianDay short
attribute EndJulianDay comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the end ordinal day of the year for the collecting event; i.e., the number of days since January 1 of the same year. (January 1 is Julian Day 1.).  Should be an integer from one to 365, i.e. of the form (([0-3][0-9][0-9)|([0-9][0-9)|([1-9])).
attribute EndJulianDay ioos_category String Time
variable EndLatitude double
attribute EndLatitude comment String For samples/observations/record events better represented as line features rather than point features (e.g. extended trawls or transects) this indicates the starting latitude location from which the specimen was collected or in which the sample/observation/record event occurred. This value should be expressed in decimal degrees (East & North = +; West & South = -). GPS-derived data must use the WGS 84 geodetic reference system (
attribute EndLatitude ioos_category String Location
attribute EndLatitude units String degrees_north
variable EndLongitude double
attribute EndLongitude comment String For samples/observations/record events better represented as line features rather than point features (e.g. extended trawls or transects) this indicates the starting longitude location from which the specimen was collected. Express in decimal degrees (East & North = +; West & South = -). GPS-derived data must use the WGS 84 geodetic reference system ( [-180 to 180]
attribute EndLongitude ioos_category String Location
attribute EndLongitude units String degrees_east
variable EndMonthCollected byte
attribute EndMonthCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the end month of the collecting event.  Possible values range from 01...12 inclusive
attribute EndMonthCollected ioos_category String Time
variable EndTimeofDay double
attribute EndTimeofDay comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the end time of day of the collecting event expressed as decimal hours from midnight local time (e.g. 12.0 = mid day, 13.5 = 1:30pm)
attribute EndTimeofDay ioos_category String Time
attribute EndTimeofDay units String hours
variable EndYearCollected short
attribute EndYearCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the end year of the collecting event.  The full year should be expressed (e.g. 1972 must be expressed as '1972' not '72'). Must always be a four digit integer
attribute EndYearCollected ioos_category String Time
variable Family String
attribute Family comment String The family name of the organism
attribute Family ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable FieldNumber String
attribute FieldNumber comment String A 'number' (really a string) created at collection time to identify all material that resulted from a collecting event.
attribute FieldNumber ioos_category String Identifier
variable GMLFeature String
attribute GMLFeature comment String Geographic Markup Language(GML) description of the feature for representing complex shapes such as lines and polygons, per Open GIS Consortium (OGC) standards -
attribute GMLFeature ioos_category String Other
variable Genus String
attribute Genus comment String The genus name of the organism
attribute Genus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable IdentifiedBy String
attribute IdentifiedBy comment String The name(s) of the person(s) who applied the currently accepted Scientific Name to the Cataloged Item.
attribute IdentifiedBy ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable IndividualCount int
attribute IndividualCount comment String The number of individuals present in the lot or container. Not an estimate of abundance or density at the collecting locality.
attribute IndividualCount ioos_category String Other
attribute IndividualCount units String count
variable InstitutionCode String
attribute InstitutionCode comment String A 'standard' code identifier that identifies the institution to which the collection belongs. No global registry exists for assigning institutional codes. Use the code that is 'standard' in your discipline.
attribute InstitutionCode ioos_category String Identifier
variable JulianDay short
attribute JulianDay comment String The ordinal day of the year; i.e., the number of days since January 1 of the same year. (January 1 is Julian Day 1.)
attribute JulianDay ioos_category String Time
variable Kingdom String
attribute Kingdom comment String The kingdom to which the organism belongs
attribute Kingdom ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable LifeStage String
attribute LifeStage comment String Indicates the life stage present. Will require developing a controlled vocabulary. Can include multiple stages for a lot with multiple individuals.
attribute LifeStage ioos_category String Biology
variable Locality String
attribute Locality comment String The locality description (place name plus optionally a displacement from the place name) from which the specimen was collected. Where a displacement from a location is provided, it should be in un-projected units of measurement
attribute Locality ioos_category String Location
variable MaximumDepth double
attribute MaximumDepth comment String The maximum distance in meters below the surface of the water at which the collection was made; all material collected was at most this deep. Positive below the surface, negative above (e.g. collecting above sea level in tidal areas).
attribute MaximumDepth ioos_category String Location
attribute MaximumDepth units String m
variable MaximumElevation double
attribute MaximumElevation comment String The maximum distance in meters above (positive) or below sea level of the collecting locality.
attribute MaximumElevation ioos_category String Location
attribute MaximumElevation units String m
variable MinimumElevation double
attribute MinimumElevation comment String The minimum distance in meters above (positive) or below sea level of the collecting locality.
attribute MinimumElevation ioos_category String Location
attribute MinimumElevation units String m
variable MonthCollected byte
attribute MonthCollected comment String The month of year the specimen was collected from the field. Possible values range from 01...12 inclusive
attribute MonthCollected ioos_category String Time
variable MonthIdentified byte
attribute MonthIdentified comment String The month portion of the date when the Collection Item was identified; as two digits [01..12].
attribute MonthIdentified ioos_category String Time
variable Notes String
attribute Notes comment String Free text notes attached to the specimen record
attribute Notes ioos_category String Other
variable ObservedIndividualCount int
attribute ObservedIndividualCount comment String The number of individuals (abundance) found in a collection/record event.
attribute ObservedIndividualCount ioos_category String Other
attribute ObservedIndividualCount units String count
variable ObservedWeight double
attribute ObservedWeight comment String The total biomass found in a collection/record event.  Expressed as kg.
attribute ObservedWeight ioos_category String Biology
attribute ObservedWeight units String kg
variable Order String
attribute Order comment String The order name of the organism
attribute Order ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Phylum String
attribute Phylum comment String The phylum (or division) to which the organism belongs
attribute Phylum ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable PreparationType String
attribute PreparationType comment String The type of preparation (skin. slide, etc). Probably best to add this as a record element rather than access point. Should be a list of preparations for a single collection record.
attribute PreparationType ioos_category String Other
variable PreviousCatalogNumber String
attribute PreviousCatalogNumber comment String The previous (fully qualified) catalog number of the Cataloged Item if the item earlier identified by another Catalog Number, either in the current catalog or another Institution / catalog. A fully qualified Catalog Number is preceded by Institution Code and Collection Code, with a space separating the each subelement. Referencing a previous Catalog Number does not imply that a record for the referenced item is or is not present in the corresponding catalog, or even that the referenced catalog still exists. This access point is intended to provide a way to retrieve this record by previously used identifier, which may used in the literature. In future versions of this schema this attribute should be set-valued.
attribute PreviousCatalogNumber ioos_category String Identifier
variable RecordURL String
attribute RecordURL comment String Gives the web address of the page where more information on this particular record (not on the whole dataset) can be found.
attribute RecordURL ioos_category String Identifier
variable RelatedCatalogItem String
attribute RelatedCatalogItem comment String The fully qualified identifier of a related Catalog Item (a reference to another specimen); Institution Code, Collection Code, and Catalog Number of the related Cataloged Item, where a space separates the three subelements.
attribute RelatedCatalogItem ioos_category String Other
variable RelationshipType String
attribute RelationshipType comment String A named or coded valued that identifies the kind relationship between this Collection Item and the referenced Collection Item. Named values include: 'parasite of', 'epiphyte on', 'progeny of', etc. In future versions of this schema this attribute should be set-valued.
attribute RelationshipType ioos_category String Other
variable SampleSize String
attribute SampleSize comment String Sample_size: the size of the sample from which the collection/observation was drawn.  It can be a volume (e.g. for a phytoplankton sample), a linear distance (e.g. for a visual transect or net haul), a surface area (e.g. for a benthic core), etc.  This field must also include the units, e.g. 200 mfor a transect, or 0.25 m^2 for a benthic grab (use ^ to denote a superscript).  Note that when multiple collections/observations are reported from the same physical sample, a code identifying the sample can be placed in the Field_Number field to allow all collections/observations from a single sample to be connected.
attribute SampleSize ioos_category String Other
variable ScientificName String
attribute ScientificName comment String The full name of lowest level taxon the Cataloged Item can be identified as a member of; includes genus name, specific epithet, and subspecific epithet (zool.) or infraspecific rank abbreviation, and infraspecific epithet (bot.) Use name of suprageneric taxon (e.g., family name) if Cataloged Item cannot be identified to genus, species, or infraspecific taxon.
attribute ScientificName ioos_category String Identifier
variable ScientificNameAuthor String
attribute ScientificNameAuthor comment String The author of a scientific name. Author string as applied to the accepted name. Can be more than one author (concatenated string). Should be formatted according to the conventions of the applicable taxonomic discipline.
attribute ScientificNameAuthor ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Sex String
attribute Sex comment String The sex of a specimen. The domain should be a controlled set of terms (codes) based on community consensus. Proposed values: M=Male; F=Female; H=Hermaphrodite; I=Indeterminate (examined but could not be determined; U=Unkown (not examined); T=Transitional (between sexes; useful for sequential hermaphrodites)
attribute Sex ioos_category String Biology
variable Source String
attribute Source comment String Indicates who gave the record to the data provider. Can indicate a literature citation, an electronic dataset, etc. Is used to provide credit.
attribute Source ioos_category String Identifier
variable Species String
attribute Species comment String The specific epithet of the organism
attribute Species ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable StartDayCollected byte
attribute StartDayCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the start day of the collecting event.  Possible value ranges from 01..31 inclusive
attribute StartDayCollected ioos_category String Time
variable StartJulianDay short
attribute StartJulianDay comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the start ordinal day of the year for the collecting event; i.e., the number of days since January 1 of the same year. (January 1 is Julian Day 1.). Should be an integer from one to 365, i.e. of the form (([0-3][0-9][0-9)|([0-9][0-9)|([1-9])).
attribute StartJulianDay ioos_category String Time
variable StartLatitude double
attribute StartLatitude comment String For samples/observations/record events better represented as line features rather than point features (e.g. extended trawls or transects) this indicates the starting latitude location from which the specimen was collected or in which the sample/observation/record event occurred. This value should be expressed in decimal degrees (East & North = +; West & South = -). GPS-derived data must use the WGS 84 geodetic reference system (
attribute StartLatitude ioos_category String Location
attribute StartLatitude units String degrees_north
variable StartLongitude double
attribute StartLongitude comment String For samples/observations/record events better represented as line features rather than point features (e.g. extended trawls or transects) this indicates the starting longitude location from which the specimen was collected. Express in decimal degrees (East & North = +; West & South = -). GPS-derived data must use the WGS 84 geodetic reference system ( [-180 to 180]
attribute StartLongitude ioos_category String Location
attribute StartLongitude units String degrees_east
variable StartMonthCollected byte
attribute StartMonthCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the start month of the collecting event.  Possible values range from 01...12 inclusive
attribute StartMonthCollected ioos_category String Time
variable StartTimeofDay double
attribute StartTimeofDay comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the start time of day of the collecting event expressed as decimal hours from midnight local time (e.g. 12.0 = mid day, 13.5 = 1:30pm)
attribute StartTimeofDay ioos_category String Time
attribute StartTimeofDay units String hours
variable StartYearCollected short
attribute StartYearCollected comment String For samples/observations/record events that were taken over time this gives the start year of the collecting event.  The full year should be expressed (e.g. 1972 must be expressed as '1972' not '72'). Must always be a four digit integer
attribute StartYearCollected ioos_category String Time
variable Start_EndCoordinatePrecision double
attribute Start_EndCoordinatePrecision comment String An estimate of how tightly the locality was specified in the Start/End Latitude and Longitude fields; expressed as a distance, in meters, that corresponds to a radius around the latitude-longitude coordinates. Use NULL where precision is unknown, cannot be estimated, or is not applicable.
attribute Start_EndCoordinatePrecision ioos_category String Location
attribute Start_EndCoordinatePrecision units String m
variable StateProvince String
attribute StateProvince comment String The state, province or region (i.e. next political region smaller than Country) from which the specimen was collected. There is some suggestion to use the values described in , ISO 3166-2, however these values are in a continual state of flux and it appears unlikely that an appropriate mechanism (by ISO) will be in place to manage these changes. Hence it is recommended that where possible, the full, unabbreviated name should be used for storing information. The server should optionally handle abbreviations as an access point. Note: this is a recurring theme (country and state) abbreviations. Check the existence of an attribute type to deal with abbreviations from the bib-1 profile
attribute StateProvince ioos_category String Location
variable Subgenus String
attribute Subgenus comment String The subgenus name of the organism
attribute Subgenus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Subspecies String
attribute Subspecies comment String The sub-specific epithet of the organism
attribute Subspecies ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable Temperature double
attribute Temperature comment String The temperature recorded with the collection/record event. Is assumed to be taken at the collection depth. Expressed in degrees Celsius.
attribute Temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute Temperature units String degree_C
variable TimeOfDay double
attribute TimeOfDay comment String The time of day a specimen was collected expressed as decimal hours from midnight local time (e.g. 12.0 = mid day, 13.5 = 1:30pm)
attribute TimeOfDay ioos_category String Time
attribute TimeOfDay units String hours
variable TimeZone String
attribute TimeZone comment String Indicates the time zone for the Time of Day measurements
attribute TimeZone ioos_category String Time
variable TypeStatus String
attribute TypeStatus comment String Indicates the kind of nomenclatural type that a specimen represents. (This is incomplete because type status actually describes the relationship between a name and a specimen [or ternary relatiohnship between a specimen, name, and publication].) In particular, the type status may not apply to the name listed in the scientific name, i.e., current identification. In rare cases, a single specimen may be the type of more than one name.
attribute TypeStatus ioos_category String Taxonomy
variable YearCollected short
attribute YearCollected comment String The year (expressed as an integer) in which the specimen was collected. The full year should be expressed (e.g. 1972 must be expressed as '1972' not '72'). Must always be a four digit integer [-9999..9999]
attribute YearCollected ioos_category String Time
variable YearIdentified short
attribute YearIdentified comment String The year portion of the date when the Collection Item was identified; as four digits [-9999..9999], e.g., 1906, 2002.
attribute YearIdentified ioos_category String Time

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