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Dataset Title:  gi_537-20210811T0410 Subscribe RSS
Institution:  OOI Coastal & Global Scale Nodes (CGSN)   (Dataset ID: gi_537-20210811T0410)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 54)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    wmo_id ?  =  1 option: 6801741
    trajectory ?  =  1 option: gi_537-20210811T0410
    profile_id ?  =  54 options
    time ?  =  54 options
    latitude ?  =  degrees_north   54 options
    longitude ?  =  degrees_east   54 options

View:      Map of Distinct Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of Distinct Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)
Optional: Click on the map to select the closest data.
Map of Distinct Data

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

wmo_id trajectory profile_id time latitude longitude
UTC degrees_north degrees_east
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 1 2021-08-11T04:20:52Z 59.858946666821424 -39.12309632754818
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 2 2021-08-11T04:58:13Z 59.860110447371056 -39.11898442234765
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 3 2021-08-11T06:16:37Z 59.86089208945658 -39.12165862446601
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 4 2021-08-11T08:31:19Z 59.857885498280645 -39.14109534920655
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 5 2021-08-11T11:55:31Z 59.848339311338734 -39.184874094611864
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 6 2021-08-11T15:32:28Z 59.842107155362314 -39.21665247289033
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 7 2021-08-11T19:14:13Z 59.83622882567716 -39.23654102428034
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 8 2021-08-11T23:28:14Z 59.822785427346794 -39.25112437359463
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 9 2021-08-12T03:44:27Z 59.82280560259716 -39.20717946123221
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 10 2021-08-12T08:09:21Z 59.82692665414557 -39.134015607926145
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 11 2021-08-12T12:10:16Z 59.819139672644674 -39.079192349821874
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 12 2021-08-12T16:36:44Z 59.82364412775194 -39.015696111631236
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 13 2021-08-12T20:41:05Z 59.8379286896455 -38.98380492846844
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 14 2021-08-13T01:11:15Z 59.83154354494462 -39.00568659211475
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 15 2021-08-13T05:22:17Z 59.83120759319069 -39.02107708290321
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 16 2021-08-13T09:55:14Z 59.834829584967544 -39.03404487963206
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 17 2021-08-13T14:05:45Z 59.82713370396309 -39.05086430341865
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 18 2021-08-13T18:42:27Z 59.826976549102106 -39.06483621297715
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 19 2021-08-13T22:55:02Z 59.82733447852864 -39.08044311485287
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 20 2021-08-14T03:34:46Z 59.8188271522967 -39.093977850384626
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 21 2021-08-14T07:49:18Z 59.82248463729309 -39.10170041154308
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 22 2021-08-14T12:34:23Z 59.82600805176027 -39.116293167674336
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 23 2021-08-14T16:43:06Z 59.826573772803066 -39.12398061035821
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 24 2021-08-14T21:19:02Z 59.83082476031605 -39.121266308362834
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 25 2021-08-15T01:33:57Z 59.8292829870913 -39.13399880547218
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 26 2021-08-15T05:53:21Z 59.83002203805879 -39.1353870992802
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 27 2021-08-15T10:15:26Z 59.829623501707445 -39.1366505169609
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 28 2021-08-15T14:49:02Z 59.82554996173023 -39.147772307215625
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 29 2021-08-15T19:29:51Z 59.82828706989818 -39.138089162371486
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 30 2021-08-16T00:02:32Z 59.84153915113458 -39.10510501883525
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 31 2021-08-16T04:35:32Z 59.85106126007933 -39.08962587163994
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 32 2021-08-16T09:10:39Z 59.86501230694837 -39.070329658997366
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 33 2021-08-16T13:37:42Z 59.871374840545286 -39.07881248296276
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 34 2021-08-16T18:07:10Z 59.87725891712998 -39.096163873525164
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 35 2021-08-16T22:51:35Z 59.88978932823557 -39.10056497705745
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 36 2021-08-17T03:04:39Z 59.89311143385628 -39.12614171138163
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 37 2021-08-17T07:30:31Z 59.88268079194922 -39.1707328630433
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 38 2021-08-17T11:53:06Z 59.86781868296716 -39.223503651516886
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 39 2021-08-17T16:25:25Z 59.83818276964968 -39.24609916560566
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 40 2021-08-18T00:51:43Z 59.80921185093006 -39.16523355756521
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 41 2021-08-18T09:34:24Z 59.78866415205403 -39.07723174206196
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 42 2021-08-18T18:07:23Z 59.788853868038096 -39.01153827073639
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 43 2021-08-19T02:31:05Z 59.793755445456206 -38.98467986742593
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 44 2021-08-19T10:57:55Z 59.796831736276495 -38.981195498003686
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 45 2021-08-19T19:26:11Z 59.80124350114664 -38.981717576323184
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 46 2021-08-20T03:53:16Z 59.80566000115916 -38.98597765347397
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 47 2021-08-20T12:33:33Z 59.8140025291139 -38.99368727047126
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 48 2021-08-20T21:18:01Z 59.825393357693 -39.00947810589903
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 49 2021-08-21T06:28:24Z 59.828479909656096 -39.1013568441207
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 50 2021-08-21T14:58:15Z 59.81840708831691 -39.2084364642472
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 51 2021-08-21T23:36:44Z 59.81661241532592 -39.28978353613512
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 52 2021-08-22T08:18:59Z 59.81847929155204 -39.38603200952943
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 53 2021-08-22T16:52:03Z 59.82558350343772 -39.44936428971184
6801741 gi_537-20210811T0410 54 2021-08-23T01:18:48Z 59.82618173437566 -39.5005394789458

In total, there are 54 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.24
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