
Accessing ocean satellite data with
ERDDAP, Panoply, R, Python and ArcGIS

About the Tutorials

These tutorials demonstrate how to access and work with satellite data in multiple software systems. The materials have been developed for the CoastWatch satellite data course and provide practical examples of how to access data from ERDDAP and work with it in the specified software.

ERDDAP Tutorials

The ERDDAP tutorials offer step-by-step examples of how to use the ERDDAP web interface to access, download and preview data.

Using the ERDDAP data catalog

Visualize data online

Understanding the ERDDAP URL

Creating a Hovmoller plot

Working with wind vectors

Using tabular data

ERDDAP Tutorials on GitHub Video Intro to the ERDDAP Server

NetCDF and Panoply

Step-by-step examples of how to use Panoply software to view NetCDF files

Create custom maps

Viewing multiple time steps

Create an animation

Plot wind vectors

View data values

View metadata information

Panoply Tutorials on GitHub

Python/R Tutorials

Step-by-step examples of how to access and use satellite and in-situ data from ERDDAP. Examples are organized by topics and offered in R and Python.

CoastWatch Training Modules on GitHub Video Intro to the R tutorials