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Sea Ice Thickness from NOAA-SNPP VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice thickness for the Antarctic from the NOAA S-NPP satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past 3 weeks.

Parameters: IceThickness

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Surface temperature from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice surface temperature for the Arctic from the NOAA-20 satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceSrfTemp

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Diffuse Attenuation kdpar NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color data from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: kd par

Sea Surface Height from NOAA Experimental
2017 - 2024

This is an experimental sea surface height product from NOAA NESDIS based on RADS altimetry data. Data in the polar regions have not been validated. Daily data are available at 0.25° resolution with global coverage.

Parameters: sla

Sea Ice Surface Roughness from Ice Bridge Airborne Surveys, Arctic
2009 - 2018

This is airborne sea ice surface roughness data from annual Ice Bridge surveys spanning from 2009-2019. Data are derived from from Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) lidar elevation data. Statistics are computed on the distribution of sea ice surface roughness for 10 km along-track segments, for each aircraft flight line.

Parameters: Surface roughness 99th percentile, Mean surface roughness, Maximum surface roughness, Surface roughness 5th percentile, Surface roughness 25th percentile, Surface roughness 75th percentile, Surface roughness 95th percentile

Source: NOAA
Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Antarctic
1978 - 2024

This is 25-km science quality sea ice concentration data for the Antarctic from the NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Version 4 (G02202). This data set provides a Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea ice concentration from passive microwave data. Daily and monthly versions are available from 1978 to the most recent annual processing.



cdr seaice conc, stdev of cdr seaice conc, qa of cdr seaice conc, temporal interpolation flag, spatial interpolation flag, nsidc bt seaice conc, nsidc nt seaice conc


cdr seaice conc monthly, stdev of cdr seaice conc monthly, qa of cdr seaice conc monthly, nsidc nt seaice conc monthly, nsidc bt seaice conc monthly
Sea Ice Surface temperature from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice surface temperature for the Antarctic from the NOAA-20 satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceSrfTemp

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Sail Height from Ice Bridge Airborne Surveys, Arctic
2010 - 2018

This is airborne sea ice sail height data from annual Ice Bridge surveys spanning from 2010-2018. Data are derived from DMSP imagery and have a 25-km along track resolution.

Parameters: Sail height 99th percentile, Number of Images, Number of sail height measurements, Mean sail height, Modal sail height, Maximum sail height, Sail height standard deviation, Sail height 5th percentile, Sail height 25th percentile, Sail height 75th percentile, Sail height 95th percentile

Source: NOAA
Sea Ice Thickness from APP-X NCEI CDR, Arctic
1982 - 2024

This is 25-km sea ice thickness for the Arctic from the NOAA CDR of the Extended Polar Pathfinder cryosphere dataset from NCEI. Twice daily data are available from 1982 to present.

Parameters: cdr sea ice thickness, cdr surface temperature, cdr surface albedo, cdr surface downwelling shortwave flux, cdr surface downwelling longwave flux, cdr surface upwelling shortwave flux, cdr surface upwelling longwave flux, cdr cloud binary mask, cdr toa net downward shortwave flux, cdr toa outgoing shortwave flux, cdr toa outgoing longwave flux, surface type, cloud particle phase, cloud particle radius, cloud optical depth, cloud top pressure, cloud top temperature, cloud type, surface shortwave cloud radiative forcing, surface longwave cloud radiative forcing

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Water Leaving Radiance nLw671 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is a 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color dataset from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: nLw 671

Sea Surface Temperature from MUR
2002 - 2025

This is a 0.01 degree (~1km) resolution sea surface temperature analysis product from NASA JPL. Daily and monthly versions are available from 2002 to present with global coverage.



analysed sst, analysis error, mask, sea ice fraction


sst, nobs, mask
Source: NASA JPL
Salinity from SMOS
2010 - 2025

Parameters: sss, sss dif

Source: NOAA
Water Leaving Radiance nLw410 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color data from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: nLw 410

Sea Ice Thickness from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice thickness from the NOAA-20 satellite for the Antarctic. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past 3 weeks.

Parameters: IceThickness

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Thickness from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice thickness for the Arctic from the NOAA-20 satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past 3 weeks.

Parameters: IceThickness

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Chlorophyll from NOAA VIIRS NRT
2024 - 2025

This is 0.04° (~4-km) resolution near-real-time chlorophyll-a concentration data from VIIRS processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available from Jan 2015 to present and have global coverage.

Parameters: chlor a

Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Near-Real-Time Climate Data Record V2, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 25-km sea ice concentration data for the Antarctic from the Near Real-Time NOAA/NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record (G10016_v2). Daily and monthly versions are available with data beginninj Jan 2021. The NRT CDR fills the temporal gap between annual updates of the final CDR providing the most recent data available.



cdr seaice conc, stdev of cdr seaice conc, qa of cdr seaice conc, temporal interpolation flag, spatial interpolation flag, nsidc bt seaice conc, nsidc nt seaice conc


cdr seaice conc monthly, stdev of cdr seaice conc monthly, qa of cdr seaice conc monthly, nsidc bt seaice conc monthly, nsidc nt seaice conc monthly
Chlorophyll from Aqua MODIS, NASA
2003 - 2022

This is 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality chlorophyll-a concentration data from the MODIS sensor on the NASA Aqua satellite. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available from Jan 2003 to Present and have global coverage. The MODIS AQUA sensor is degrading and past it's lifespan, please see the new chlorophyll from VIIRS for higher quality data in recent years.

Parameters: chlorophyll

Sea Ice Concentration from NOAA-SNPP VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice concentration for the Arctic. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available from the past 3 weeks.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
BioGeoChemical-Argo Float data from GO-BGC, SOCCOM and UW-MBARI, Latest Snapshot Archive
2007 - 2024

This data archive contains quality controlled data from BGC-Argo floats deployed by the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observation and Modeling (SOCCOM) and Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Array (GO-BGC) projects.

Parameters: nitrate, temperature, salinity, sigma theta, chl a, chl a corr, chl a435, oxygen, oxygen saturation, b bp700, POC, b bp532, CDOM, pH insitu, pH 25C, TALK LIAR, DIC LIAR, pCO2 LIAR, DOWN IRRAD380, DOWN IRRAD412, DOWN IRRAD490, DOWNWELL PAR, latitude QF, depth QF, pressure QF, temperature QF, salinity QF, sigma theta QF, chl a QF, chl a corr QF, oxygen QF, oxygen saturation QF, nitrate QF, b bp700 QF, b bp corr QF, POC QF, b bp532 QF, CDOM QF, pH insitu QF, pH 25C QF, TALK LIAR QF, DIC LIAR QF, pCO2 LIAR QF

Source: SOCCOM
Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Near-Real-Time Climate Data Record V2, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 25-km sea ice concentration data for the Arctic from the Near Real-Time NOAA/NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record (G10016_v2). Daily and monthly versions are available with data beginning Jan 2021. The NRT CDR fills the temporal gap between annual updates of the final CDR providing the most recent data available.



cdr seaice conc, nsidc bt seaice conc, nsidc nt seaice conc, melt onset day cdr seaice conc, stdev of cdr seaice conc, qa of cdr seaice conc, temporal interpolation flag, spatial interpolation flag


cdr seaice conc monthly, melt onset day cdr seaice conc monthly, stdev of cdr seaice conc monthly, qa of cdr seaice conc monthly, nsidc bt seaice conc monthly, nsidc nt seaice conc monthly
Diffuse Attenuation kd490 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color data from NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: kd 490

Sea Ice Surface temperature from NOAA-SNPP VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice surface temperature for the Arctic from the NOAA-SNPP satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceSrfTemp

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
IMS Daily Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Analysis
2004 - 2025

This dataset offers daily snow and ice coverage data for the Arctic with a 4-km resolution, available starting from 2004. Data with a 1-km resolution can be accessed for the period from 2014 to the present, while 24-km resolution data extend back to 1997. For access to 1-km and 24-km resolution data, please contact us.
The dataset classifies coverage into five categories: 0 for areas outside the coverage zone, 1 for open water, 2 for land without snow, 3 for sea ice or lake ice, and 4 for snow-covered land.

Parameters: IMS Surface Values

Source: USNIC
Sea Ice Concentration from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice concentration for the Antarctic from the NOAA-20 satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Surface temperature from NOAA S-NPP VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice surface temperature for the Antarctic from the NOAA-SNPP satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceSrfTemp

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Concentration from NOAA-SNPP VIIRS NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice concentration for the Antarctic from the NOAA S-NPP satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past three weeks.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Climate Data Record V4, Arctic
1978 - 2024

This is 25-km science quality sea ice concentration data for the Arctic from the NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Version 4 (G02202). This data set provides a Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea ice concentration from passive microwave data. Daily and monthly versions are available from 1978 to the most recent annual processing.



cdr seaice conc, stdev of cdr seaice conc, melt onset day cdr seaice conc, qa of cdr seaice conc, nsidc nt seaice conc, nsidc bt seaice conc


cdr seaice conc monthly, stdev of cdr seaice conc monthly, melt onset day cdr seaice conc monthly, qa of cdr seaice conc monthly, nsidc nt seaice conc monthly, nsidc bt seaice conc monthly
Water Leaving Radiance nLw486 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is a 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color dataset from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: nLw 486

Sea Ice Concentration from GCOM-W1 AMSR-2, NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 10km AMSR-2 sea ice concentration for the Arctic from the GCOM-W1 satellite. NRT daily data are available from 2021.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
NIC Antarctic Iceberg Locations
2005 - 2024

Locations of Antarctic icebergs that meet the criteria of 20 sqNM or greater, or 10 NM on its longest axis. Data are available from Nov 2014 to present and are updated weekly.

Parameters: length nm, width nm, Iceberg

Source: USNIC
Winds from ASCAT METOP
2013 - 2025

This is 0.25° (25-km) wind data from the ASCAT instrument on board EUMETSAT's Metop-B satellite. Daily, 3-day, 8-day and monthly versions are available from 2013 to present and has global coverage.

Parameters: x wind, y wind

Sea Ice Concentration from NOAA-20 VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice concentration for the Arctic from the NOAA-20 satellite. Near-real-time daily data.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Ice Surface Elevation from Ice Bridge Airborne Surveys, Arctic
2009 - 2018

This is airborne sea ice surface elevation data from annual Ice Bridge surveys spanning from 2009-2018. Data are derived from Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) lidar elevation data. PolarWatch hosts 1-km along track resolution data, much higher resolution data is available directly from NESDIS and is linked below.

Parameters: Elevation

Source: NOAA
Water Leaving Radiance nLw443 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is a 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color dataset from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: nLw 443

Water Leaving Radiance nLw551 NOAA VIIRS Science Quality
2012 - 2025

This is a 0.04° (~4-km) resolution science-quality ocean color dataset from the VIIRS Sensor on SNPP, data are processed by NOAA. Daily, weekly and monthly versions are available and have global coverage.

Parameters: nLw 551

Sea Ice Thickness from NOAA-SNPP VIIRS NRT, Arctic
2021 - 2025

This is 750m VIIRS sea ice thickness for the Arctic from the NOAA S-NPP satellite. Near-real-time daily data and 4-day composites are available for the past 3 weeks.

Parameters: IceThickness

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Surface Height from AVISO
1992 - 2012

This is 19-km science quality sea surface height data from AVISO. More recent data is available through the AVISO website.

Parameters: ssh, sshd

Source: French Space Agency, NASA
Sea Ice Concentration from GCOM-W1 AMSR-2, NRT, Antarctic
2021 - 2025

This is 10km AMSR-2 sea ice concentration for the Antarctic from the GCOM-W1 satellite. NRT daily data are available from 2021.

Parameters: IceConc

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) Buoy Data, Daily
2007 - 2025

International Arctic Buoy Programme meteorological and oceanographic buoys. Data are updated daily. The preview and download interfaces for this dataset are currently in beta.

Parameters: bp, surface temp, air temp

Source: IABP
Blended Sea Ice Concentration from AMSR2/VIIRS Daily 1km, Arctic
2023 - 2025

This dataset represents the 1km Blended sea ice concentration for the Arctic, utilizing data from the AMSR2 instrument aboard the GCOM-W1 satellite and VIIRS instrument on NOAA-21. The daily sea ice concentration values are stored in the 1 km EASE2-Grid format.

Parameters: IceConc

Blended Sea Ice Concentration from AMSR2/VIIRS Daily 1km, Antarctic
2023 - 2025

This dataset represents the 1km Blended sea ice concentration for the Antarctic, utilizing data from the AMSR2 instrument aboard the GCOM-W1 satellite and VIIRS instrument on NOAA-21. The daily sea ice concentration values are stored in the 1 km EASE2-Grid format.

Parameters: IceConc

Experimental Sea Ice Classification, SAR Composite, Near Real-Time, 1km, North Pole, Daily
2024 - 2024

This file contains a composite of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) derived sea ice classification covering the Arctic for a period of one day. The files are produced in SAROPS (SAR Operational Product System) by the Water Surface Conditions science team within the NOAA STAR Satellite Oceanography and Climatology Division. Data from the following C-Band SAR systems are included: Sentinel-1, RADARSAT-2, and RADARSAT Constellation Mission. Sea ice classification values represent concentration up to 80%, and greater than 80%. Daily coverage varies depending on SAR acquisitions.

Class variable includes 5 discrete numerical values (0, 1, 3, 8) corresponding to: No Data (0), Water (1), ice concentration less than about 80% (i.e. MIZ) (3), ice concentration less than about 80% (i.e. pack ice) (8)

Parameters: SIC

Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Near-Real-Time Climate Data Record V3, Arctic
2024 - 2025

This is 25-km sea ice concentration data for the Arctic from the Near Real-Time NOAA/NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record (G10016_v3). Daily and monthly versions are available with data beginning July 2024. The NRT CDR fills the temporal gap between annual updates of the final CDR providing the most recent data available.



cdr seaice conc, cdr seaice conc stdev, cdr seaice conc qa flag, cdr seaice conc interp temporal flag, cdr seaice conc interp spatial flag


cdr seaice conc monthly, cdr seaice conc monthly stdev, cdr seaice conc monthly qa flag
Ice Classification, Metop-C Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT), Arctic, Daily
2021 - 2025

This is 4km Metop-C Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) ice classification for the Arctic from NOAA.
Ice Class variable includes 5 discrete numerical values (1 to 5) corresponding to: (1) Land, (2) Water, (3) Seasonal, (4) Mixed, and (5) Perennial.
Disclaimer: Microwave-based ASCAT sea ice classification may not be reliable during Northern summer months or melt periods (approximately May to September) because melting snow and ice have a distinct microwave radar return that may prevent accurate identification of ice type

Parameters: IceClass

Source: NOAA CoastWatch
Sea Surface Temperature from VIIRS
2020 - 2024

This is a 750m resolution sea surface temperature product derived from the Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) onboard the NOAA-20 satellite. The data product is produced by NOAA NESDIS Office of Satellite and Product Operations and processed using the Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO). Daily data is available from 2020 to the present, with coverage for the Alaska region.

Parameters: sea surface temperature

Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Antarctic
1980 - 2024

This is 25-km science quality sea ice concentration data for the Antarctic from the NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Version 5 (G02202). This data set provides a Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea ice concentration from passive microwave data. Daily and monthly versions are available from 1978 to the most recent annual processing.



cdr seaice conc, cdr seaice conc stdev, cdr seaice conc qa flag, cdr seaice conc interp temporal flag, cdr seaice conc interp spatial flag


cdr seaice conc monthly, cdr seaice conc monthly stdev, cdr seaice conc monthly qa flag
Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Climate Data Record V5, Arctic
1978 - 2024

This is 25-km science quality sea ice concentration data for the Arctic from the NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record, Version 5 (G02202). This data set provides a Climate Data Record (CDR) of sea ice concentration from passive microwave data. Daily and monthly versions are available from 1978 to the most recent annual processing.



cdr seaice conc, stdev of cdr seaice conc, melt onset day cdr seaice conc, qa of cdr seaice conc, nsidc nt seaice conc, nsidc bt seaice conc


cdr seaice conc monthly, cdr seaice conc monthly stdev, cdr seaice conc monthly qa flag
Sea Ice Concentration NSIDC Near-Real-Time Climate Data Record V3, Antarctic
2024 - 2025

This is 25-km sea ice concentration data for the Antarctic from the Near Real-Time NOAA/NSIDC Sea Ice Concentration Climate Data Record (G10016_v3). Daily and monthly versions are available with data beginninj Jul 2024. The NRT CDR fills the temporal gap between annual updates of the final CDR providing the most recent data available.



cdr seaice conc, cdr seaice conc stdev, cdr seaice conc qa flag, cdr seaice conc interp temporal flag, cdr seaice conc interp spatial flag


cdr seaice conc monthly, stdev of cdr seaice conc monthly, qa of cdr seaice conc monthly