PolarWatch Team

In addition to the essential support from CoastWatch Central led by Dr. Veronica Lance, PolarWatch benefits greatly from the leadership and expertise of a diversed team, with each member contributing specialized knowledge in oceanography, remote sensing, data management, and polar research.

Cara Wilson

Node Manager

Dr. Cara Wilson, as PolarWatch Node Manager, leverages her oceanography and remote sensing expertise to enhance user engagement and education, ensuring the program's broad accessibility and impact.

Sun "Sunny" Hospital

Development Lead

Sun Hospital oversees daily operations for PolarWatch, focusing on data processing and partner/user engagement. Her expertise in data management, statistical modeling, and scientific computing ensures the efficient handling and effective dissemination of PolarWatch's data.

Dale Robinson

Research Lead

Dr. Dale Robinson contributes his specialized knowledge in oceanography, satellite data analysis and management, and polar region research. Dr. Robinson provides valuable guidance on PolarWatch operations.

Ludovic Brucker

Science Advisor, National Ice Center Chief Scientist

Dr. Ludovic Brucker offers essential scientific and strategic insights to PolarWatch, utilizing his expertise in remote sensing of polar ice and snow to amplify the program's benefits for research and communities in polar regions.

Roy Mendelssohn

Operational/Technical Support, Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Dr. Roy Mendelssohn, from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, offers vital support in operations and technical expertise, ensuring high-quality data management and reliability of PolarWatch servers.