
An R package for extracting data from ERDDAP


rerddapXtracto is a set of free tools, written in Matlab or in R, that allows client-side access of environmental data served on the ERD/CoastWatch ERDDAP Server.

The R tools were originally developed for the marine biology tagging community to extract satellite data coincident to the tracks from tagged animals. The packages have been extended to extract a 3D cube of data and time series from a region defined by the polygon.

Chlorophyll-a at marlin track locations
map of chlorophyll a at marlin track locations
Chlorophyll-a concentrations for a marlin track that were extracted from the MODIS satellite dataset served by ERDDAP.


rerddapXtracto scripts subset and extract satellite and other oceanographic-related data from a remote server.

Data can be extracted

  • for a moving point in time along a user-supplied set of longitude, latitude and time points,
  • within a 3D bounding box, and
  • within a polygon through time.

rerddapXtracto accesses data that are served through an ERDDAP server such as the PolarWatch ERDDAP Server. The package includes helper functions to search for and obtain information about available datasets.